Yeah, it's totally average, that's why I posted the normal stats vs. the ones on what I'm selling. XD, which are different.
I'm offering it to a guild member who might want something with above average stats, that is going to be cheaper than buying it from an NPC, will benefit them a bit more in the long run, and I don't need to make a ton of profit in order to want to allow someone in the guild to have an item I looted. I think it's only fair to offer something to your guildies if it could benefit them, rather than just selling it to the highest bidder OR npcing it.
lol, I really don't need merchant advice unless I'm asking for it Marcus (and I do quite often). But I appreciate that you were trying to be helpful and whatever. Thanks, anyways :3. I posted the thread and I'm quite happy to see if it gets any responses before I move onto Basil.